What is a diabetes destroyer - 3 step diabetes destroyer pdf

What is the cause diabetes? The body no longer makes insulin because the body's own immune system has attacked and destroyed the cells that make insulin. The reason is not entirely clear, but may include genetic risk factors and environmental factors. Insulin is a hormone from the glands located behind and below the stomach (pancreas). The pancreas secrete insulin into the bloodstream Insulin circulation, so that sugar into your cells. Insulin reduces blood sugar content in the blood. As your blood sugar levels drop, the pancreas secrete insulin as well. Glucose Role Glucose - Sugar - is the energy source of cells that make up muscle and other tissues. Glucose comes from two major sources: food and your liver. Sugar is absorbed by the blood and enters the cells with the help of insulin. Your liver store and make glucose. When your glucose level is low, for example, when you are not eaten for a period of time, the liver will break down the stored glycogen into glucos...